22nd Annual CCAP Training Conference in Puerto Princesa City

The Cold Chain Association of the Philippines, Inc. (CCAP) is a multi-sectoral grouping of companies and professional organizations involved in the various processes and activities in managing the supply chain for perishable food products.

Over the 22 years of its existence, CCAP has been a staunch advocate of the principles and practices that espouse and promote food safety as a critical prerequisite to food sufficiency and food security.

CCAP will conduct its 22nd annual general membership meeting and training conference entitled “COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS – A VITAL LINK TO FOOD SECURITY” at the Princesa Garden Resort and Spa, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan on June 5 to 7, 2024. This is in line with CCAP’s pursuit of its mission to promote and upgrade operating practices and standards in the cold chain industry.

We would like to invite your company to partake in this learning experience with us along with other CCAP members and delegates representing various sectors and industry groups. This event shall serve as an update on the latest developments within the various aspects of the cold chain industry and provide insights into new technologies, materials, and equipment that may assist in improving operating efficiencies, productivity, and quality. The conference program also includes tours of industrial facilities in Puerto Princesa City, and fellowship activities to enhance the social interaction among conference participants.

We have enclosed herewith a cost summary sheet showing the various participation options. For inquiries, please contact us at the Office of the CCAP Secretariat telephone no. (632) 8942-3282 or email info@ccaphils.org.

Signed invitation letter, cost summary sheet & manual registration form

LINKS: Activity schedule overview & online registration forms


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